Week 7 has taken 2 weeks to complete.
Issues with our network will not allow us to add buttons onto
the tool bar ( or whatever). However, I managed.
Del.icio.us - was very tasty
Here is my del.icio.us web address, del.icio.us/daisydog2008.
Libraries use delicious in many different and interesting ways, including
local history. I am amazed by the amount of subjects that can be found
on this site. I could get lost for hours. I had a great time looking at a
variety of subjects/items.
Technorati - not so interesting
I found numerous difference between 3 different searches.
Searchins nswpln2008. found very few results (maybe our system)
and certainly not my flickr images. Maybe I did some thing wrong!
Library Thing
I ask "so why join the ranks and create your own library
What is the point ?
I personally think this is useless and a waste of good time.
I have many a book, but I have better things to do with my spare time.
This really is "look at me, look- at- me".
1 comment:
He, He He!! Made me laugh!
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